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10 Reasons Why I Wanted to Marry a Cowboy

I have wanted to marry a cowboy almost as long as I can remember. There are a lot of reasons that has been my ideal and I decided to compile a list to share. What the world says a cowboy is and what a cowboy really is are, in some ways, completely different things. 

Why Marry a Cowboy from

If you were to type cowboy in google or pinterest, you are likely to have a thousand photos nail you with shirtless men in Wranglers four sizes to small, leaning against a fence, and a cowboy hat atop their head. He is probably holding a beer in one hand and likely his back pocket contains a package of Skoal. In no way does this represent the kind of man a cowboy is. It certainly does not entail what a cowboy means to me. Nor does it represent the many reasons I love and admire My Cowboy.

The world paints a picture of the cowboy as an extremely restless and reckless individual that doesn’t stick around, or keep up with commitments outside the spotlight of a dusty arena. This is so far from the truth of a what real cowboy is. I hope this list will help you understand what I mean.

Here are a few of the reasons why I wanted to marry a cowboy:

  1. A cowboy knows how to work. Not only has My Cowboy put in countless 14-15 hour work days to provide for us in the last five years of marriage, but he has a strong work ethic that I admire. I so want that instilled in our future children.
  2. A cowboy is respectful. I knew I wanted to marry a man who not only respected his mama, but my mama as well. If he couldn’t respect these two, why would I expect him to respect me or treat me as an equal partner in marriage? 
  3. A cowboy is God-fearing. Religion is everything to me. Finding someone with similar beliefs and commitment to God was an absolute must. My Cowboy is tough, tough enough he understands His need to rely on God. 
  4. As mentioned, A cowboy is tough.  A couple months ago, My Cowboy was working on a spud planter and fell off. Long story short- he landed on his feet but caught a lot of metal and bars, on various parts of his body on the way down. He always lands on his feet, but always seems to do the most damage that way! (Like the time he shattered out his teeth, but that’s a different story for a different day). He writhed in pain as he caught his breath a few minutes. He felt really nauseous, but got back up on that planter and worked another hour until he got the job done! Now whether that was the best thing to do or not, I won’t say.
  5. A Cowboy has a soft heart. My Cowboy can lift a hundred pounds, yet I have watched him tenderly bottle-feed a shivering calf, who lost their mama, in freezing temperatures. He is every bit as compassionate and caring as he is tough and strong.
  6. A Cowboy has a hearty appetite. I love food. I love to eat. I love sugar, if you didn’t know. I believe food is more than eating, it is an experience. I knew it would take a man with a real appreciation for good eats to keep up with my hobbies in the kitchen!
  7. A cowboy loves his animals. I believe how a person treats not only people, but all things under their stewardship says a lot about him/her. 
  8. A cowboy loves to ride. Riding a horse is fun and in the ranching world, very useful. It provides perspective and the opportunity to see the world from a horse’s point of view. Besides, who doesn’t wanna spend date night saddled up beside a cute cowboy?! 
  9. A cowboy loves the country. I’m a country girl through and through. I love visiting the city, but I don’t wanna live there. No offense to those who do, it’s just not for me 🙂 This girl desperately wanted someone who wouldn’t make her trade alfalfa fields and blue skies for Wal-Mart and asphalt roads.
  10. A cowboy can change the oil. My own Dad’s ranching background made him a competent mechanic. He may not have been able to fix everything, but he wouldn’t lug any vehicle of his into the mechanic until he had at least tried! I always hoped for someone who had this mentality and could take care of their own oil changes. 

Why Marry a Cowboy from

These are just some of the reasons I am so grateful I found My Cowboy. The list really goes on and on though. I try to constantly remember how blessed I am to have found a man with all these wonderful traits and qualities!