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Branding Part 2: Sorting

Next in our branding day comes sorting the babies from the mamas. This means, before we start the actual branding, after the calves and mothers have been gathered up, the cowboys and cowgirls sort out the mamas from the corral where the branding will take place. There are a couple reasons for this. A most practical one is that the corral where this branding happens isn’t big enough to keep all the mamas in there while they rope the calves. Another reason is that all babies are different, but when it comes to calves, they are usually easiest to deal with if mama isn’t too close by.

Let me explain.

Most of these girls handle their mothering job very well. If they don’t, they are generally culled from the herd. Naturally, they have protective instincts and intend to ensure that no harm befalls their babies. Which is how it should be. So it is a bit easier to rope a calf with mama out of the way. Those mother instincts can also make tougher work for our crew once a cowboy or cowgirl throws a loop around their calvesโ€™ heels and drags them off toward the branding iron. Especially in a situation like this where the corral isn’t very big.

This is where sorting comes in handy. During the sorting process, some stay on their horses, while others help on foot. Once in a while, someone may be found flat on their face as an attempt to help chase out a mama or hold back a calf, landed them anywhere but their feet. That just makes the experience all the more interesting ๐Ÿ™‚


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I have no idea what these two were talking about, but I sure thought they looked entertained! ๐Ÿ™‚ Any caption ideas?

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I can’t say the girls are always that happy to be separated from their calves by a corral. Sometimes I just wish I could tell them, “Hang in there Mama! It’s only for a little bit and overall, it’s for your baby’s own good.”

When it comes to calving season there are ALL SORTS of things I would love to talk to the mama’s about in regards to what is truly for their calve’s best interest.

Sorting from

Happy Tuesday!