
No-Bake Reese’s Cups

No-Bake Reese’s Cups start with Oreo chunks piled beneath a rich and creamy peanut butter layer. To finish off, extra pieces of Reese’s and chocolate top this decadent dessert. As always, no-bake anything is what keeps me sane in my hot kitchen this time of year!

Last week, the youngest cowboy in My Cowboy’s family got hitched! His pretty little lady asked me to do the desserts for the reception. Happily, I accepted! I brooded for months about what to make. This Cowboy and his bride are both local, so I knew it would be a well-attended reception and it sure was. Therefore, whatever I decided on, I wanted it to be good! I tested, created, improved, and recreated recipes for months. 

My Cowboy quickly became a beneficiary of the project. 

No-Bake Reese's Cups from

No-Bake Reese's Cups from

As time went on, I caught wind of how many people they were planning on for the reception, and knowing it was a summer wedding, I decided no-bake treats for the win. As I pinterest-ed  (ya, it’s totally a thing) wedding dessert ideas, I saw many cute pins with no-bake cups. No-bake, single serve, and cute- perfect for a wedding! 

Before my list of flavors even began, I knew without a doubt, Reese’s Cups would have it’s place at this celebration. Reese’s and peanut butter just aren’t even a question with me. I also knew I wanted varied flavors, with the hopes that everybody could find a flavor they like and have a perfectly, happily satisfied sweet tooth. 

My test kitchen eventually produced what I shall call the final four. The other three recipes will be coming at you soon. Unsurprisingly, Reese’s Cups proved My Cowboy’s and I’s favorite! 

No-Bake Reese's Cups from


No-Bake Reese's Cups from

No-Bake Reese's Cups from

No-Bake Reese's Cups from

No-Bake Reese's Cups from

No-Bake Reese's Cups from


No-Bake Reese's Cups from


The evening of the reception, as we packed and carried the hundreds of dessert cups, my little heart felt so satisfied. You know the feeling of taking pride in your work? I’m not talking about about an excessive ego that feels YOU are the only one who can do things and do them right, but that feeling of knowing your hard labors produced results you are pleased with. Over the months of testing, I became very proud of all the recipes I produced and to see them all done, to know they were tasty, and know the were enjoyed at the wedding made my night. 

Now, treat yourself to these Reese’s Cups this weekend! I worked hard to provide you with this recipe :D.

No-Bake Reese's Cups
Serves 8
No-Bake Reese's Cups start with Oreo chunks piled beneath a rich and creamy peanut butter layer. To finish off, extra pieces of Reese's and chocolate top this decadent dessert.
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  1. 16-20 Oreo's, in chunks
  2. 8 oz cream cheese
  3. 1 cup peanut butter
  4. 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
  5. 8 oz Cool Whip
  6. 6 Reese's, chopped
  7. Chocolate Syrup, for drizzling
  1. Place chunked Oreo's in the bottom of 8 5 oz cups. I probably filled them about an inch high with the Oreo's. I used 5 oz plastic cups, but you can use whatever you have on hand. I thought 5 oz was a good single serving size. Just remember if you use larger cups, there won't be as many servings.
  2. Beat cream cheese and peanut butter until smooth and completely combined. Add powdered sugar and combine. Fold in the Cool Whip. *Refrigerate the peanut butter filling for 2-3 hours. Once chilled, Place the peanut butter mixture on top of the Oreo chunks. Leave a little space at the top of the cup, because they are easier to eat that way.
  3. Top with Reese's chunks and drizzle with chocolate syrup. Keep refrigerated. Enjoy!
  1. *You can also wait to refrigerate the filing until after it is placed in the cups. It will take less time to chill, but I prefer to do it the other way around, because the longer the filling sits on the Oreo's, the more likely the Oreo's are to become soggy, but they are usually fine for about a day. So I generally only make up as many as we will eat that day. Keep the filling in the fridge if you choose to do it this way and just pull it out whenever you are ready to make more cups!
Butter, Love, and Cowboys


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